Chelsea Delaney

Chelsea is a gender-fluid artist who is autistic and self-taught. He currently serves as the Creative Director and Editor at Re-Route Magazine.


Chelsea Delaney


Chelsea is a gender-fluid artist who is autistic and self-taught. He currently serves as the Creative Director and Editor at Re-Route Magazine. Although he spent many years in the world of writing as both a writer and a teacher, his innate love for the visual arts was awakened during some training in expressive arts therapy.

Crafting Words: Jamal Byas

Jamal Byas is committed to making a positive impact on the world and expresses his passion for writing, love for music, and dedication to advocacy.

5 min read
A Call For Change: Police Response to Autism-Related Incidents

An advocate's letter sheds light on the need for compassion in interactions with invisibly disabled individuals.

6 min read
Alice Grows Small

A chilling tale of Alice's descent into a sinister world where the vibrant beauty of towering flowers hides darker dangers and twisted dreams.

6 min read